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The Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education (BAGCED) is organizing a parallel THEMED PANEL on various areas with the following objectives:
1) showcase the best Action Research outputs of both undergraduate and undergraduate
students of the college;
2) provide a model AR in which participants can pattern their Ars from;
3) engage the participants in a more meaningful discussion on the intricacies of producing
an AR.







Theme Panel 1


Department of Science Education

BAGCED, De La Salle University, Manila


Convener: Dr. Denis Dyvee R. Errabo




1) Enhancing Conceptual Understanding and Environmental Literacy Using Online

    Learning Modules on Ecological Systems


Geminna Wel C. Del Rosario  and Maricar S. Prudente


The threats of environmental problems necessitate urgent attention and action. To solve these problems, the inclusion of Environmental Literacy is recognized as an essential part of the curriculum in Science. Moreover, schools are mandated to be innovative and resourceful in delivering quality, accessible, and relevant education amidst COVID-19. With this, the researchers developed, implemented, and examined the use of Online Learning Modules in an effort to improve the teaching of ecological systems, thereby improving the students’ conceptual understanding and their environmental literacy. The Online Learning Modules on Ecological Systems (OLMES) was designed, developed, and validated for teaching Science to Grade 6 students (n=60). Results revealed that students’ conceptual understanding on ecological systems significantly changed after the exposure to OLMES  (t = 21.81) with a large effect size (d=3.07). Improvement on students’ environmental literacy was also evident after the implementation of the study. This is supported by the increased scores on the different variables on environmental literacy survey (ecological knowledge t=12.49, verbal commitment t=5.38, environmental sensitivity t=2.55, environmental feelings t= 3.82, issue analysis and action planning t=13.11, and actual commitment t=4.45). Classroom observations, and students’ responses during interviews and in their reflection logs also showed that the conceptual understanding and environmental literacy of the students had significantly improved after the OLMES implementation. Overall, the evidences provided in this study imply that the use of OLMES contributed to the improvement of teaching practices which resulted to better conceptual understanding and improved environmental literacy among the student participants.


Keywords: environmental literacy, ecological systems, online distance learning, online learning module, conceptual understanding




2) Photovoice and Photo-elicitation: Engaging Participatory Assessment on

    Chemical Reactions and Equations Towards Multifaceted Conception


Rick Jasper A. Carvajal and Dr. Maricar S. Prudente


The heterogeneity of chemistry conception must be framed into different modes of thinking under the Conceptual Profile of Chemistry (CPC), which includes the six facets namely monist, epistemic, processual, pragmatic, aversive, and attractive zone. Using this model, this exploratory action research primarily aimed to investigate the efficiency of utilization of the two visual processes and techniques, photovoice and photo-elicitation (PV-PE) as an engaging participatory assessment on chemical reactions and equations towards multifaceted conception. The study employed a highly descriptive design, mixed-method approach to determine the significant findings, which was participated by seventy students. Here, students’ output; conceptual profile; comments and feedback; self-, peer, and teachers’ assessment scores; and self-report Classroom Engagement Inventory (CEI) were closely examined and analyzed. To triangulate, the following techniques were done: conceptual profiles were identified through semantic coding deductive thematic analysis; quantitative data were evaluated using descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed-rank test; and themes from the interview data were generated using thematic analysis as well. As a result, it was found out that the students’ (n=20) pre-conceptual profile was dominated by epistemic zone, comprises mostly of few-faceted and some monofaceted conception. Furthermore, the students’ engagement level during the PV-PE intervention in three aspects such as cognitive, affective, and behavioral was found to be high. Subsequently, the PV-PE was noticed to be viable in enriching the conceptual profile of students slightly towards the processual zone and dominantly towards the monist zone. Drawing on, the result implies that learning designs should provide an avenue for students to conceptualize or reconceptualize chemical ideas and knowledge yielding into at least one of the six conceptual profile zones, which could also serve as a springboard in chemistry instruction.


Keywords: conceptual profile, multifaceted conception, participatory assessment, photo-elicitation, photovoice, SHS STEM




3) Self-Directed Learning Assisted Online Learning Module in Teaching

     Kinematics: Implication to Students’ Understanding, Skills and Attitudes


Dr. Voltaire M. Mistades & Mrs.  Pamela C. Madiclum


The utilization of the SDL approach intends to assist in the effective implementation of the online module as a post lecture supplementary activity in studying Kinematics. This study determined how the SDL skills of the students in General Physics 1 class can affect their use of the SDL Assisted Online Module, as well as the students’ level of understanding, skills and attitude. A highly favorable rating of the SDL Assisted Online Module from the experts suggested that the SDL Assisted Online Modules are functional supplementary materials that promote independent learning, collaboration, and responsibility among students in the STEM strand. Students highly utilized the self-monitoring dimension for SDL as they use their prerequisite knowledge and skills in studying Kinematics. This may suggest that prerequisite knowledge and skills needed in understanding the lesson should be strengthened in the beginning of the course. The SDL Assisted Online Modules also contributed to the improvement of the level of understanding of the students in studying Kinematics as seen in the significant increase in the level of understanding in the formative and summative assessments of the students. The result also revealed that there is no statistical difference in the usefulness of the three SDL Assisted Online Modules in Kinematics as perceived by the High SDL and Low SDL students. The significant difference in the Study Habits and Attitude of the high SDL and the low SDL students is important to understand how to develop further the SDL skill of the students in order to also improve their study habits and attitude to attain success.


Key Words: Self Directed Learning; Online Module; Concept Mastery; High SDL group; Low SDL group; Study Habits and Attitude; Level of Understanding




4) Enhancing Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Engagement in Learning  

    Genetics Through Mobile-friendly Interactive Multimedia Learning Modules


Areeya Amor D. Ongoco and Denis Dyvee R. Errabo


The suspension of face-to-face classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic led to the implementation of new learning delivery modalities and the use of distance learning resources such as digital and printed self-learning modules. However, studies show that these learning resources lack interactivity, retain traditional content, and are loaded with numerous tasks, leading to disengagement from learning. Hence, this study created three mobile-friendly interactive multimedia learning modules (IMLMs) to improve students' conceptual knowledge and engagement in learning genetics. The study adopted a quasi-experimental, mixed methods design to collect responses from 104 grade nine learners from two intact groups. The results of Hake's gain and the paired t-test analysis proved score gains and significant improvement in the concept test performance of students. On the contrary, a significantly low correlation coefficient between students' test scores and engagement was calculated using Pearson's correlation analysis, which implied students' concept test performance is not associated with their perceived level of engagement in learning. The study also employed the community of inquiry (CoI) instrument to compare students' observable and self-reported behaviors with their engagement rates. Moreover, the responses from focus group discussions, and reflective journal entries, highlighted students' positive views on IMLMs' effectiveness for learning.

Keywords: Science education; distance learning; genetics; multimedia learning; mobile learning








Theme Panel 2


Department of Educational Leadership and Management (DELM)


Convener: Dr. Anne Marie Ramos


Examining ECED Researches during the Covid-19 Pandemic


This panel theme session analyzes theses papers under the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education program during the first year of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It presents the dominant challenges related to online distance learning in the early childhood environment, and their implications towards a more resilient early childhood education. An exemplar action research is also highlighted.


1. Examining Research in Early Childhood Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic



Dr. Jasper Vincent Alontaga

Dr. Anne Marie Ramos

Dr. Thelma Mingoa

Ms. Ma. Carolina DeOcampo

Ms. Kristine Hernandez

Ms. Carmelea Ang-See

Ms. Darl Jacqueline Orillaza


2.  Using a Mindfulness Program to Support Kindergarten Students’ Self-regulation in their Online Synchronous Tasks



Ms. Kristine Hernandez

Ms. Alexis Dominique Salazar

Ms. Alexandra Marie Victoria Munoz


As we try to progress in these trying times, both students and teachers are looking for ways to easily adapt and shift our approaches. However, different challenges on online distance learning occur especially when it comes to kindergarten students. This research paper focuses on the enhancement of the self-regulation skills of kindergarten students during their online synchronous learning and tasks using a mindfulness intervention program. Twelve (12) kindergarten students participated in a mixed-method design which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Instruments used in this study were a self-regulation pretest scale, self-regulation posttest scale and self-regulation checklist for the intervention program. Observations showed that the mindfulness program had a direct effect on the enhancement of the self-regulation skills of the kindergarten students based on the different indicators provided by the 3 categories, mainly impulse and emotion control, socially behaviour and self-guidance and self-reliance on thought and behaviour. Statistically, the findings from the box and whisker plot showed that most indicators have expressed positive changes from the attitude, behaviour and emotions of the students. Out of all the categories of self-regulation skills, category indicator 4 showed the most significant change when it comes to the behaviour of the students in online synchronous tasks.


Keywords: Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, Online Distance Learning, Kindergarten Students







Theme Panel 3


Title: Action Research in English Language Education


In this panel discussion, we share insights on different action research projects in different stages of development in English language education. As a transformative research methodology, action research in the ELT context seeks ways in engaging learners on significant issues in advocacy development, digital literacies and critical engagement.


Moderator: Ms. Aileen Bautista



Gene Marie Flores

Gina Ugalingan







Theme Panel 4


Special Themed Panel: Erasmus+ Project


Understanding and Addressing Diversity in the Classroom: An Action Research Approach

Convener: Lydia Roleda

Department of Science Education,

Br Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education

De La Salle University



Panel Description


As our classrooms become more and more inclusive, new opportunities and benefits are offered to our students. For example, interacting with fellow students with different perspectives allow them to think critically beyond what they already know or believe. However, as there are other advantages of diverse classrooms, there are also challenges. Teachers are tasked to provide equitable quality education for all students. This is now included in Goal #4 of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely, to “ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes” (UN General Assembly, 2015, p. 17) with a special focus on the appreciation of cultural diversity (4a), and educating teachers to ensure an effective inclusive education system (4c). 

This segment in the Program presents possible ways to improve our teaching in a diverse class. An overview of inclusive education will be presented, followed by teaching strategies to help science teachers address the challenges of diversity, with attention to culture and language. In particular, the Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL) will be presented. Because culturally and linguistically responsive teaching is a reflective practice, this can be undertaken through Action Research.


Faculty from various disciplines will be delivering the mini-talks:

Dr. Lydia Roleda (Science Education)

Dr. Rochelle Lucas (English and Applied Linguistics)

Ms. Fritzie Ian De Vera (Vice President for Lasallian Missions)

Dr. Minie Rose Lapinid (Science Education)

Dr. Abdul Jhariel Osman (Educational Leadership and Management)

This series of mini-talks is part of the dissemination  of the Erasmus+ project, Educating Science Teachers for All (ESTA). For more information on ESTA, please visit the website:




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